LED Upgrade
Replacing the original bulbs with LEDs An obvious issue of the organ is that all controls and indicators are done with light bulbs and that those have a limited life time. When buying a 20+ year old instrument you can expect that the bulbs will burn out having reached the end of their life at some point in time. All bulbs are accessible, so theoretically there should be no problem replacing them. But, the types that were used are impossible to get - at least where I live. Rogers is using so-called fuse-bulbs that look like 30mm micro-fusees, but, instead of the standard 6x30mm those are 5x20mm. Scanning through the forums, Rodgers is rumored to still provide those, but availability seems to be an issue. There are two different types used in the 520/25/30/35. Stop tab switches and indicators use a 12V/1W type, the bulbs for the pedal board are 12V/3W. There are about 60 lamps in the entre instruments consuming roughly 70W peak. That is quite a lot for an aging power supply. So, ...